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I was born and raised in Japan and moved to Melhus, Norway in 2018.

Authentic Japanese shops, restaurants, or things do not exist here although you see many kinds of Japanese cars in the street every day. Whenever I meet up with friends who also came from Norway from Japan, one moment wouldn't go by without us talking about how convenient Japanese shops are, how delicious Japanese food/ snack/ candy are. Needless to say, how much we miss Japan. In 2020, this horrible pandemic hit the WHOLE world, Covid-19. People got prevented from traveling abroad, for me I couldn't go back to Japan to buy bunch of random stuff. One day, I missed Japan so much that I got homesick.  And it made me realize it should be now to Go FOR IT to my dream: opening Japanese store. 

My fiancé and I established this company with a hope to show people in Norway... no... people all over the world how AWESOME Japan is!! 


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The information we collect include:

Personal identification: Your name and gender.

Contact Information: E-mail and postal address.

Userinformation: Creation date, username and user password.

Purchases: Orders and purchases you make.

Cookies: Location data and cookies.

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